Succession sowing in June for continuous harvests

We hope that you have been enjoying some (marginally) warmer and drier weather.

It's been a pretty mixed bag here in south Devon, to be honest. Not quite the summer we are hoping for yet, but the next 10 days looks like a slight improvement.

There are loads of things you can still sow in June and it's a great time to do some successional sowing of crops for a continuous harvest (read on for more on this).

For a full list of crops you can sow in June click the button below.

Succession sowing

Succession sowing is doing multiple sowings of crops throughout the season to ensure a constant supply of produce which is always at the highest quality.

Many fast-growing crops go past their best if left in the ground too long, so it's better to space out your sowings rather than sowing your entire crop in one go.

Succession sowing is also a great way to fill in empty spaces which will appear in your beds once you (or the local wildlife!) start harvesting your crops.

Crops which are ideally suited to succession sowing are:

N.B. it is not wise to sow Asian greens (e.g. pak choy) until after the summer solstice (21 June), as they are day-length sensitive and will likely bolt fast if sown before then.

'Second Spring' Seed Collection 2024

I just wanted to give you a quick heads up that in our next newsletter we will be launching our famous Second Spring seed collection.

We offer this each year throughout July and August and it's always a huge hit with our customers. It contains 10 of our favourite varieties suitable for sowing in the second half of the year, to keep you fed over the autumn, winter, and beyond!

This year we have a couple of new additions including our breeding population of 'Kizuna', a kale/mizuna cross which we are very excited about (top right of pic below).

That's all for now...

Happy sowing and growing

Fred, Ronja, and the rest of the team

Vital Seeds Ltd

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