☀️ 🍅🥬Gardening tips for May 🥦🌶️ ☀️

The sun seems to be finally gracing us with its presence, and not a moment too soon!

May is a busy time in the garden and plant growth really takes off with the extra warmth and longer hours of light.

...and by plant growth I mean weeds as well as veggies and flowers. Turn your back for a few weeks in May and you may find you crops swamped by fast-growing annual weeds like chickweed and fat hen.

We really recommend a regular weeding schedule at this time of year. If you can weed everything every two weeks then you will thank yourself, as it's much easier to weed tiny weedlings with a hoe rather than digging up fully established weeds.

As a result of all the rain, slug populations are very high this year and we have heard of many growers' direct sown crops being eaten as they emerge from the soil, so do be aware of this too.

There are many seeds that can be sown in May - you can find the list by clicking the link below.

Gardening tips for May

  • There are lots of things to do in your patch, preparing your beds, sowing, planting…
  • Don’t forget to ‘harden off’ your seedlings that were sown indoors before you plant them outside
  • Water in dry weather. Make sure to keep the soil of new sowings, seedlings indoors and outdoors moist. Do not over-water, especially chillies, aubergines, zinnias
  • Grow fast-growing green manures such as phacelia, buckwheat, etc. to cover empty spaces that are going to be filled later in the year. Sow other green manures such as alfalfa, clover, chicory etc. to give your patch a rest for a longer period of time
  • Pest and disease prevention can be an issue in May. Good growing conditions and soil health can protect plants from many pests and diseases. Use organic methods and leave wild spaces in your garden that will make homes for predatory and beneficial insects to ensure a balanced ecosystem in your garden

Enjoy the well earned sunshine!

Fred, Ronja, and the rest of the team

Vital Seeds Ltd

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